Hey there! Just to introduce myself – my name is Beth Sometimes and recently i’ve come onboard MUSEUM OF THE LONG WEEKEND as a kind of ‘overseeing curator’ of the activities that will be putting together the more intimate and creative aspects of the ‘museum’. I’ve been chatting with artists who are going to be collaborating on this also and I can’t WAIT to to tell you more about them when it’s all confirmed. Some of them are Big hART artists from other projects and events, and there’s a couple of people new to the company too!

You might notice something dramatically different around here? I’ve been trying to streamline the information and simplify things for readability on this here website. I’ve located all the blog + comments bit in this bit – called BLOG so feel free to add anything here or ask questions, though we welcome direct e-mail contact if you’d like to become involved, as detailed in the CONTACT tab.

Cool, so watch this space, as the project starts cooking there’ll be things bubbling fairly regularly in this space!

More soon! Beth


  1. Scott Rankin says:

    Heh, Beth… good to have you working with Mel… I want to tow my vintage Chinese Junk up to Canberra and have it sail around Mr Burley Griffin’s belly button… It’s kind of like a caravan… can we have vintage wooden boats on the lake at the same time?

  2. Ben Fox says:

    Hey Beth, this project is really great! I look forward to seeing what you curate and how you decide what to leave behind and what ridiculous things you bring on the caravaniest roadtrip ever!

  3. Kylie Brunner says:

    Hi Beth – our family is planning to join the convoy from Adelaide in our 1958 Bondwood 12′ van. it’s a great reason to bring our 2 kids (Archie age 9 and Olivia age 6) to Canberra and celebrate the capitol’s birthday. look forward to reading your updates in the coming months ….

  4. beth-sometimes says:

    Oh by the way THANKS BEN! I’m excited to see what it’s like too….will keep in touch…x

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